DiaryBook Appointments and Messaging System




We hope you are all staying safe and well during the pandemic. The staff at DiaryBook are working from home and are able to manage your queries by phone and email.

In addition we've made some changes as a response to the way people are working and based on feedback from our users.

Appointment Status 'Contacted'
As many appointments were cancelled and needed rescheduling or switching to phone consultations this small feature was added. It is the ability to mark your appointments as Contacted to signal to other users that contact has been made to that client about that appointment.

Large Text Messages
Some of our users needed to send very long text messages explaining the affect of COVID-19 and new safe-distancing guidelines. As many users were copying and pasting the message from another application (such as Microsoft Word) many of these messages were using unsupported characters causing the long messages to be huge.

In order to keep your messaging bill down but also enable very long messages we put in a conversion process that looked for unsupported characters and replaced them with common supported characters. It's technical but the upshot is either your users message will be converted to a more cost-effective format or it will be blocked with a message to the user.

With the need to send texts to groups of clients and staff on the rise, we've added a plug-in to DiaryBook called ExcelSend. This enables your users to send a text message to a list of mobile numbers held in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. It makes the process extremely easy.

To find out more about the service you can visit www.excelsend.com.

This plugin needs to be activated by an account administrator or by contacting DiaryBook support.

Apologies to those who've requested other changes and enhancements. We are still working on a backlog of improvements to the DiaryBook platform that we hope you all benefit from.

Stay safe.