Enhancement: Repeat Appointments -- see below.
Appointment Types: Increased the possible duration from 240 minutes to 1,440 minutes.
Client Notes: When creating an appointment for a client, the client notes are copied over to the appointment notes
Voice Reminders: It is possible for voice reminders to use a DiaryBook voice script without a custom voice recording
Bugs: Fixed minor bug manually sending appointment reminders
Repeat Appointments
In the appointment screen there is a new field: Repeat. It defaults to None but can be changed to Weekly, Fortnightly, Three Weeks or Four Weeks.
When one of the periods is selected, another field appears: Total number of appointments. This instructs DiaryBook on exactly how many appointments you want to make for the client. The first appointment will be on the date and time specified on the appointment screen. Subsequent appointments will be made at the same time, on the same day at the interval you selected.
DiaryBook will check to avoid double-booking for each appointment. If any of the appointments conflict with another appointments, a blocked time or an opening-hour setting, then no appointments will be created.