

Easy appointment scheduling
to get your users working as a team

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clock for work hours

User Profiles

Define user profiles to determine work hours and availability to control when appointments can be made

Often the user recording the appointment is not the service-provider user. Work hours empower service-provider users to control their schedule.

Holidays and Meetings

Plan the year ahead for you and your users. List blocked times for users planned holidays, bank holidays, meetings and training sessions

deckchair, beachball and sunglasses

Rooms And Resources

Include equipment and rooms in your appointment booking to ensure availability of resources

Resources that are shared with other entities can be given their own Work Hours, times where they are available to your account.

control waiting room numbers

Waiting room management helps you manage overcrowding during times of social distancing

User Access Rights

Control the level of access to give each team member. Some users only need to manage their own appointments. While admin staff roles enable management of other users appointments.

user level graph

Get Started Today

You could be sending appointment reminders today with DiaryBook. Reap the benefits of reduced missed appointments, happier clients and more free time to do what you do best

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