
Work Hours

Each diarybook user can have a set of Work Hour records. These records determine what hours the user is willing to take appointments in. Work hour records are useful if the person taking the appointment (the operator) is not the Service Provider user and is therefore prevented in making an appointment outside of those hours.

Work Hour Records

An work hour record consists of the following

  • Days affected
  • Start Time
  • End Time


A user may have the following work hour records

DaysStart TimeEnd Time
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday8:0013:00
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday14:0016:30

The operator will only be able to make appointments for this user between the hours of 8am and 1pm and between 2pm and 4:30pm on Monday to Friday but on Wednesdays the hours are between 9am and 1pm and 2pm and 3pm.

Any combination of hours can be made to suit the users working pattern.

Appointment’s Time

In the appointment window, when the operator selects the user the appointment is for, the time field is populated with that user’s normal working hours. The hour range is taken from the earliest and latest of all the records. In the example above the time field would show hours from 8am to 4:30pm, regardless of the date selected.

If the time the operator selects for the appointment falls outside the working hours for the day selected, when the operator clicks SAVE a message is displayed and the operator is prevented from adding the appointment.

There are scenarios where a conflict with the user’s work hours can be overridden. See time conflicts for more information.