
Blocked Times

Blocked times are times when appointments cannot be made. They are generally times that are part of the user’s normal working hours but need to be blocked. For example: for holidays and meetings.

For more information please see Blocked Times

Blocked Times Tab

The Blocked Times tab is where all times can be viewed and maintained by the user. To open the tab the user needs to click on the User button (showing the user’s email address) in the top margin, select DiaryBook Settings sub-menu and click on Blocked Times.

The tab consists of the following:

  • A tool bar for the times containing buttons and menus
  • A grid showing the times and waiting rooms

Blocked Times Tool Bar

The tool bar contains buttons and menus.

iconSelect all records in the grid
iconDeselect all records in the grid
iconAdd a new record
iconEdit the recordThe first selected record
iconDelete recordAll selected records
iconRefresh the grid

Blocked Times Grid

The grid contains the list of all Blocked Times created for the account.

ReasonThe reason for the blocked time
StartThe start date and time of the block
EndThe end date and time of the block
UserThe name of the user it affectsIf blank it affects all users

Blocked Times Window

This section describes the fields in the Blocked Times window. The window allows the user to add new times and to edit existing ones.

Opening the Window

To add a time the user clicks on the plus icon in the tool bar within the Blocked Times tab. To edit a time the user can either double-click the record in the grid or highlight the record in the grid and click on the pencil icon.

Blocked Time Fields

ReasonThe reason for the block
Start DateThe date the block startsThe user can type in the date or click the calendar icon to pick the date
Start TimeThe time the block startsThe user can type in the time or click the drop-down to pick the time
End DateThe date the block ends
End TimeThe time the block ends
UserThe user affectedLeave blank to affect all users