DiaryBook 7.4.707
SMS Text Delivery Reports . The ability to receive SMS delivery reports by email. This feature is activated at the user level.
Optimizations: Improved methods of data retrieval for appointments, schedules and reminder settings.
Bug fix: Firefox was not rendering the some icons.
Bug fix: Blocked times in the calendar were not showing on all affected days.
Bug fix: Firefox was not rendering the some icons.
Bug fix: Client’s details were not saving in some circumstances.
Bug fix: Detecting duplicate clients was not working in some circumstances.
Feature: New appointment status added - ‘Contacted’
Audit: Added logging of client deletions to account audit log.
Optimizations: Very large text messages using extended character set are first put through a conversion to standard text and if that fails are blocked.
Feature: Added ExcelSend feature to DiaryBook. This enables you to send text messages using a list of contacts in a spreadsheet. This feature needs to be enabled in advanced settings or by emailing DiaryBook